
raffleroulette| Purchase and sales in the cotton and sugar markets are flat: new cotton planting area in the United States has increased, and global sugar production is expected to rise


Newsletter summary

The purchase and sale of cotton market is insipid.RafflerouletteThe new cotton area and seedling condition of the United States are good; the global planting area of white sugar has increased, and the import growth rate is obvious; the global production and consumption of oil and fat are expected to increase significantly; the precipitation of soybean meal in Rio Grande do Sul is above average, and the rainfall in central and southern North America is on the high side. Corn options suggest building a wide-span strategy; soybean meal options suggest building a selling strategy; palm oil options suggest building a short selling strategy; white sugar options suggest building a bear market spread combination strategy; cotton options suggest building a bear market spread combination strategy.

Text of news flash

[with the advent of the off-season in the cotton and textile industry, the acreage of new cotton in the United States has increased, and the market is flat]

As the off-season approaches in the textile industry, the demand for cotton is gradually weakening, resulting in an increase in the inventory of textile enterprises. The overall performance of market purchasing and sales activities is mediocre. At the same time, the cotton acreage in the United States has increased in the new season, and the seedlings are in good condition, indicating that it is more likely to increase production in the coming year.

The global planting area of white sugar has expanded, and the domestic inventory has increased compared with the same period last year.

Major sugar-producing countries in the world have completed spring planting, and the area of spring planting has increased significantly due to record sugar purchase prices, strengthening the market expectation of increasing production next year. Since the beginning of this crushing season, the growth rate of imported sugar, syrup and premix powder has increased significantly, driving the increase of domestic inventories compared with the same period last year.

Global rapeseed production is estimated to be stable, oil production and consumption is expected to increase

According to the USDA monthly report in May, the global rapeseed yield forecast for the new crop 2024Universe 25 has barely changed. However, global oil production and consumption are expected to increase significantly and be destined for the current year.

The precipitation in Rio Grande do Sul is above average, and the North American soybean has a good start.

Weather forecasts show that precipitation in Rio Grande do Sul will still exceed the historical average in the next two weeks. In North America, the rainfall in the south-central region is on the high side, while itsRafflerouletteThe rainfall in other areas is close to the average level, which provides a more favorable opening condition for the growth of soybean.

Corn option strategy suggestion: wide-span option combination to obtain directional return

Corn option (C2407) shows a downward concussion trend of short positions, and investors are advised to construct a wide-span option combination strategy of selling short positions in order to obtain directional returns and time value gains. Position delta should be kept negative to adapt to market volatility.

raffleroulette| Purchase and sales in the cotton and sugar markets are flat: new cotton planting area in the United States has increased, and global sugar production is expected to rise

Soybean meal option strategy suggestion: sell long-long wide-span option portfolio

Soybean meal options (M2407) show interval consolidation shocks, and investors are advised to build a wide-span option portfolio strategy of selling long positions in order to obtain directional returns and time value returns. Position delta needs to be positive to cope with market fluctuations.

Palm Oil option Strategy suggestion: sell short wide Span option portfolio

Palm oil options (P2409) after the previous high decline, maintain a large range of shocks, the overall short pressure line under the rectangular range fluctuations. It is suggested that investors should build a wide-span option portfolio strategy of short selling, and keep negative delta positions to adapt to market fluctuations.

White sugar option strategy suggestion: bear market spread combination of put options

Sugar options (SR2407) fell back quickly this week after rebounding last week. It is suggested that investors should construct the bear market spread combination strategy of put options in order to obtain directional returns. If the market price rises rapidly to the highest option price, the position should be closed and left gradually.

Cotton option strategy suggestion: bear market spread combination of put options

Cotton options (CF2407) in the high consolidation shock, continue to close the negative line, to maintain the downtrend of the short. It is suggested that investors should construct the bear market spread combination strategy of put options in order to obtain directional returns. If the market price rises rapidly to the highest option price, the position should be closed and left gradually.