
jamesbondroulette| Experts from the National Research Center: 60-70 years old are "young and elderly people" and are in good health. They need to support their needs for re-employment


Ma Jiantang, former Party Secretary of the National Research Center, said at the "First Shenzhen Financial Forum of Renmin University of China"jamesbondroulette, should adapt to the era of longevityjamesbondrouletteThe arrival of the new era will eliminate age discrimination in the labor market.

He pointed out that living standards have improved now, and the statistical standards for the elderly in the past should also be adjusted.

In its view, people aged 60-70 are "young and elderly people", 70-80 are "middle-aged and elderly people", and over 80 are "old and elderly people". "People aged 60-70 are in good health and have the need to find jobs and work. We must support the need for re-employment of this group of people."

Sina statement: All meeting minutes are compiled in shorthand on the spot and have not been reviewed by the speaker. Sina posted this article for the purpose of conveying more information and does not mean that they agree with their views or confirm their descriptions.

jamesbondroulette| Experts from the National Research Center: 60-70 years old are "young and elderly people" and are in good health. They need to support their needs for re-employment