
castlevaniaarcade| U.S. supports India in joining the International Space Station: sending astronauts before the end of the year, strengthening nuclear energy cooperation


News summary

The United States plans to send Indian astronauts to the International Space Station by the end of this year and cooperate with the Indian Space Research Organization to launch a joint Earth observation mission. At the same time, the Indian government is expected to solve the problem of nuclear energy after the electioncastlevaniaarcadeAccountability issues have accelerated the construction of nuclear reactors by U.S. companies in Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh.

Newsletter text

[U.S. and India cooperate to advance space projects, Indian astronauts will board the International Space Station] According to remarks made by U.S. Special Envoy to India Eric Gassetti, the United States plans to add an additional astronaut from India to the International Space Station before the end of this year. This move is an important step in the cooperation plan between the two countries in the aerospace field. At the same time, Gassetti also mentioned the joint Earth observation mission NISAR being prepared by NASA and the Indian Space Research Organization. The project is also expected to be launched before the end of the year, which will deepen cooperation between the two countries in space science and technology. In the field of civil nuclear energy, Gassetti said that India is expected to achieve further cooperation with the United States in this field after resolving the issue of post-election responsibilities. The United States has selected MithiVirdhi in Gujarat and Kovadda in Andhra Pradesh as sites for future nuclear reactor construction.

castlevaniaarcade| U.S. supports India in joining the International Space Station: sending astronauts before the end of the year, strengthening nuclear energy cooperation