
portablefishfinder| Today's daily limit of 63 individual stocks was mainly concentrated in real estate, electronics and other industries


News summary

[Today's daily limit of 63 individual stocks is mainly concentrated in real estate, electronics and other industries] Securities Times NewsportablefishfinderChoice statistics show that on May 16, among the tradable A shares in the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets, there were 2763 rising stocks, 2171 falling stocks, and 160 flat stocks. Excluding new shares listed on the same day, totalportablefishfinder.portablefishfinder..

portablefishfinder| Today's daily limit of 63 individual stocks was mainly concentrated in real estate, electronics and other industries

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[Today's daily limit of 63 stocks is mainly concentrated in real estate, electronics and other industries] Securities Times News, Choice statistics show that on May 16, among the tradable A shares in the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets, there were 2763 rising stocks, 2171 falling stocks, and 160 flat stocks. Excluding new shares listed on the same day, a total of 63 stocks fell daily and 19 stocks fell daily. In terms of industries, stocks with daily trading limits are mainly concentrated in real estate, electronics, building decoration, communications, chemical and other industries. proofreadingportablefishfinder: Ran Yanqing