
bacharachcrystal| Central and local governments improve support policies to stimulate the vitality of private investment


◎ reporter Li Yanzheng

The vitality of private investment is the long-term source of economic vitality. In the near futureBacharachcrystalThe central and local governments have launched policies and measures to further stimulate the vitality of private investment from the aspects of comprehensively promoting the new mechanism of cooperation between the government and social capital (the new PPP mechanism), developing new industries and creating a new environment.

The new mechanism of PPP has entered the stage of comprehensive promotion.

Private investment is a barometer of the activity of private economy. The latest data show that private investment increased by 0% in the first four months compared with the same period last year.Bacharachcrystal.3%, private investment excluding investment in real estate development increased by 7.2%. The improvement of private investment data shows that the confidence of private enterprises continues to recover and the vitality of private investment continues to increase.

Wu Yin, director of the Institute of political economy of Southwest University of Finance and Economics, believes that next, with the comprehensive promotion of the new mechanism of cooperation between the government and social capital, the vitality of private investment will be fully stimulated.

The guidance on standardizing the implementation of the new mechanism for cooperation between government and social capital was issued in November last year. Recently, relying on the national investment project online approval and supervision platform, the National Development and Reform Commission officially launched the national government and social capital cooperation project information system, and sent the information system operation manual to various localities. The launch of the information system indicates that the new mechanism of PPP has entered the stage of all-round promotion.

Local governments will also take measures to further give full play to the guiding role of government investment. The opinions on further supporting the High-quality Development of the Private economy issued by Liaoning Province on May 22nd requires that private enterprises should be attracted to participate in the construction of infrastructure and public service projects in accordance with the requirements of the new PPP mechanism. Private enterprises are encouraged to invigorate their assets by means of property rights transactions, mergers and acquisitions, acquisition and disposal of non-performing assets, and strengthen the optimization and integration of existing assets.

Beijing recently proposed to establish a database of key private investment projects to support social capital's participation in real estate investment trusts (REITs) in infrastructure, and to speed up the landing of private investment projects.

Experts believe that further giving full play to the guiding role of government investment and policy incentives will effectively stimulate private investment, promote cooperation between the government and social capital in an orderly manner, and give full play to the advantages of private investment in the efficiency of resource allocation. Risk sharing, benefit sharing, and improving the efficiency of private investment allocation.

bacharachcrystal| Central and local governments improve support policies to stimulate the vitality of private investment

There is huge space for high-tech industry.

The latest data show that in the first four months, private investment in manufacturing increased by 11.9% year-on-year, 2.2 percentage points higher than total manufacturing investment, while private investment in infrastructure increased by 7.1% year-on-year, 1.1 percentage points higher than total infrastructure investment.

Wu Yin believes that the above private investment involves many areas of supply and demand, indicating that the momentum of economic recovery continues to accumulate. From the perspective of high-quality development, we should actively guide private investment into the field of innovation, and constantly expand new space for development in the process of cultivating and strengthening new quality productive forces.

A reporter from the Shanghai Securities News noted that the local authorities have clearly defined the direction of private investment in the development of new science and technology and new industries. The recently released "measures to further promote Private Investment in Shenzhen" proposes to support private investment in the construction and operation of new infrastructure, deeply participate in the construction of high-speed broadband vanguard cities, digital energy vanguard cities, artificial intelligence vanguard cities and digital twin vanguard cities, and speed up the construction of independent controllable intelligence facilities and application ecology.

Liaoning requires that private enterprises be encouraged and guided to actively participate in industrial foundation reengineering projects and major technology and equipment projects, as well as high-quality development actions in key manufacturing industrial chains, and increase investment in strategic emerging industries and future industries, to achieve transformation and upgrading in promoting the development of new-quality productive forces.

Zhang Yiqun, director of the Jilin Provincial Institute of Financial Science, said that from the perspective of investment projects in various places, they generally pay attention to seeking benefits from investment in scientific and technological innovation, focusing on cutting-edge science and technology such as new energy, artificial intelligence, and data computing power, and the development of future industries, enhance the foresight of investment, plan the industrial transformation of the layout areas in advance, and vigorously cultivate and enhance the stamina and strength of economic development.

The positive factors will increase.

In order to further stimulate the vitality of private investment, various localities have also introduced practical measures to create a good environment for enterprises.

Shenzhen proposes to optimize the coordination mechanism of non-governmental investment and speed up the procedures for the approval and filing of non-governmental investment projects, planning and site selection, land and marine forests, environmental assessment, energy conservation review, construction application, and so on.

For some time to come, there will be more positive factors conducive to the growth of private investment.

On May 15, Jin Zhuanglong, Minister of Industry and Information Technology, presided over the fifth round table for small and medium-sized enterprises. The meeting pointed out that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will adhere to the "two unwavering", attach equal importance to management and service, help and development, promote the implementation of more policies and measures to benefit enterprises, and safeguard the high-quality development of small and medium-sized enterprises.

The Ministry of Justice said recently that it is working with relevant departments to speed up the legislative process of the Law on the Promotion of Private economy, and will also speed up the formulation and revision of regulations such as regulations on fair competition review and regulations on ensuring payments for small and medium-sized enterprises, so as to create a stable, fair, transparent and predictable environment for the rule of law.

Wu Yin believes that at present, we should continue to make efforts to optimize the development environment, not only pay close attention to implementation, but also further remove various barriers, so as to enable private investment to enter, develop, and make a difference in more areas. When more and more private enterprises "roll up their sleeves and work hard", the foundation for the recovery of private investment will be more solid.

The positive factors will increase.

In order to further stimulate the vitality of private investment, various localities have also introduced practical measures to create a good environment for enterprises.

Shenzhen proposes to optimize the coordination mechanism of non-governmental investment and speed up the procedures for the approval and filing of non-governmental investment projects, planning and site selection, land and marine forests, environmental assessment, energy conservation review, construction application, and so on.

For some time to come, there will be more positive factors conducive to the growth of private investment.

On May 15, Jin Zhuanglong, Minister of Industry and Information Technology, presided over the fifth round table for small and medium-sized enterprises. The meeting pointed out that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will adhere to the "two unwavering", attach equal importance to management and service, help and development, promote the implementation of more policies and measures to benefit enterprises, and safeguard the high-quality development of small and medium-sized enterprises.

The Ministry of Justice recently stated that it is working with relevant departments to accelerate the legislative process of the Private Economy Promotion Law. At the same time, it will also accelerate the formulation and revision of regulatory items such as the Fair Competition Review Regulations and the Regulations on Guaranteeing Payment of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises to create a stable, fair, transparent and predictable legal environment.

Wu Yin believes that at present, we must continue to work hard to optimize the development environment. We must not only pay close attention to implementation, but also further remove various barriers to allow private investment to come in, develop and make achievements in more fields. As more and more private enterprises "roll up their sleeves and work hard", the foundation for the recovery of private investment will be stronger.