
videopokerstrategy| Primary school students are addicted to cigarette cards and break two fingers. The price of cigarette cards ranges from a few yuan to a hundred yuan, forming a comparison


A type called cigarette cardvideopokerstrategyThe items of the product have become popular among primary school students and have attracted widespread attention from all walks of life. These cards, with patterns of different brands of cigarettes, are very attractive to children because of their exquisite design and bright colors. Cigarette cards are sold in canteens around the school, and the price ranges from 1 yuan/8 cards to 1 yuan/4 cards. In addition, they are also sold on e-commerce platforms, with prices ranging from a few yuan to a hundred yuan.

Primary school students said that cigarette cards are one of their main forms of entertainment after school, and everyone will compare with each other who has more and rarer cigarette cards. Some students even spend a lot of pocket money to collect cigarette cards. However, parents expressed concern about this, believing that addiction to cigarette cards may affect children's learning and physical and mental health, and have a negative impact on values.

The school has also taken measures. For example, Jiankang Road Primary School learned about the spread of tobacco cards through exchanges with students and feedback from parents, and emphasized the need to eliminate the existence and spread of tobacco cards on campus. Qilihe Primary School also clearly stipulates that you cannot play with cigarettes at school.

The impact of the surrounding environment on the school's education and students 'physical and mental growth is a long-term topic. Schools and parents need to work together to establish a cooperation mechanism to create a healthy and harmonious growth environment for children.

videopokerstrategy| Primary school students are addicted to cigarette cards and break two fingers. The price of cigarette cards ranges from a few yuan to a hundred yuan, forming a comparison

According to relevant laws and regulations, merchants are not allowed to sell the trademark logos of tobacco products for secondary purposes. They privately print registered trademarks and make them into cigarette cards for sale, which infringes on the exclusive right to use the registered trademark of the holder. It is an illegal act. The Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors also clearly stipulates that tobacco brands shall not be used to publish or publish commercial advertisements in disguise. It is illegal for merchants to sell cigarette cards to students and will affect children's healthy growth.